VirtualBox Shared Folders

Mounting a VirtualBox shared Folder in the Linux and Solaris Guest.

Manual Mounting:
Select a Shared Folder in the VM VirtualBox Manager Settings.
Do not check the Shared Folder auto-mount option

Linux Guest:
# mount -t vboxsf [-o OPTIONS] Share_Folder mountpoint

Solaris Guest:
$ mount -F vboxfs [-o OPTIONS] Share_Folder mountpoint

Replace Share_Folder with the share folder specified with VBoxManager and mountpoint with the path where you want the share to be mounted on the guest (example: /mnt/share).

Automatic Mounting:
Select a Shared Folder in the VM VirtualBox Manager Settings.
Check the Shared Folder auto-mount option.

Linux Guests:
Shared folders are mounted in the /media directory with with the prefix sf_
Example: shared folder name Share_Folder would be mounted to:

Solaris Guest:
Shared folders will mounted in /mnt with the prefix sf_
Example: shared folder name Share_Folder would be mounted to:

The guest property /VirtualBox/GuestAdd/SharedFolders/MountPrefix determines the prefix that is used. To change the prefix, change the guest property to a value other than “sf

Note: Access to auto-mounted shared folders is only granted to the user group vboxsf, which is created by the VirtualBox Guest Additions installer.

Add an existing user to the vboxsf group:
# usermod -a -G vboxsf userName