SPARC T Series Hardware RAID

Display the ok Prompt
Set the ILOM bootmode property to disable auto boot:

-> set /HOST/bootmode script="setenv auto-boot? false"
Set 'script' to 'setenv auto-boot? false'

Boot the system to the OBP environment ({0} ok).

-> start -script /SYS
Starting /SYS

-> start -script /SP/console

Serial console started.  To stop, type #.
2015-11-19 22:52:57  0:0:0> NOTICE:  Usable strands: ffffffffffffffff
2015-11-19 22:52:57  0:0:0> NOTICE:  System memory capacity is 64GB
2015-11-19 22:53:00  0:0:0> NOTICE:  Clocks: CMP: 2848 MHz DRAM: 533 MHz (6.4 Gbps) CL: 1466 MHz (8.8 Gbps)

In the OBP environment, {0} ok Prompt, enter devalias command to list the device.

{0} ok devalias
disk3          /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/disk@p3
disk2          /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/disk@p2
disk1          /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/disk@p1
disk0          /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/disk@p0
disk           /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/disk@p0
cdrom          /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/disk@p6
scsi1          /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0
scsi0          /pci@400/pci@1/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0
scsi           /pci@400/pci@1/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0

Select the controller where you want to create a RAID volume.
Enter show-children to list the physical drives.

{0} ok select scsi1
{0} ok show-children

FCode Version 1.00.63, MPT Version 2.00...

Target 9 
  Unit 0  Disk  HGST  H101812SFSUN1.2T A770  2344225968 Blocks, 1200 GB
  SASDeviceName 5000cca...  SASAddress 5000cc...  PhyNum 0 
Target a 
  Unit 0  Removable Read Only device  TEAC  DV-W28S-B  AT11
  SATA device  PhyNum 6 
Target b 
  Unit 0  Disk  HGST  H101812SFSUN1.2T A770  2344225968 Blocks, 1200 GB
  SASDeviceName 5000cca...  SASAddress 5000cc...  PhyNum 1 
Target c 
  Unit 0  Disk  HGST  H101812SFSUN1.2T A770  2344225968 Blocks, 1200 GB
  SASDeviceName 5000cca...  SASAddress 5000cc...  PhyNum 2 
Target d 
  Unit 0  Disk  HGST  H101812SFSUN1.2T A770  2344225968 Blocks, 1200 GB
  SASDeviceName 5000cca...  SASAddress 5000cc... PhyNum 3 

Commands for creating RAID
create-raid0-volume for RAID 0
create-raid1-volume for RAID 1
create-raid1e-volume for RAID 1e

Syntax: Targets Command
Example of creating RAID0 volume:

{0} ok 9 b c d create-raid0-volume
Target 9 size is 2341795840 Blocks, 1198 GB
Target b size is 2341795840 Blocks, 1198 GB
Target c size is 2341795840 Blocks, 1198 GB
Target d size is 2341795840 Blocks, 1198 GB
The volume can be any size from 1 MB to 4573820 MB
What size do you want?  [4573820] 
Volume size will be Capacity 4795 GB
Enter a volume name:  [0 to 15 characters] BadAssRAID0      
Volume has been created
{0} ok 

To verify the RAID volume:

{0} ok show-volumes
Volume 0 Target 381  Type RAID0 (Striping)
  Name BadAssRAID0  WWID 02bd54ac7a7a8308
  Optimal  Enabled 
  4 Members                                         Capacity 4795 GB
  Disk 0 
    Member 0  Optimal 
    Target 9  HGST  H101812SFSUN1.2T A770  PhyNum 0 
  Disk 1 
    Member 1  Optimal 
    Target b  HGST  H101812SFSUN1.2T A770  PhyNum 1 
  Disk 2 
    Member 2  Optimal 
    Target c  HGST  H101812SFSUN1.2T A770  PhyNum 2 
  Disk 3 
    Member 3  Optimal 
    Target d  HGST  H101812SFSUN1.2T A770  PhyNum 3 

To Delete the RAID volume:
Syntax: Volume Command

{0} ok 0 delete-volume
The volume and its data will be deleted
Are you sure (yes/no)?  [no] yes
Volume 0 has been deleted

To deselect a scsi device:

FCode Command Cheatsheet

show-children – Lists all physical drives and logical volumes.
show-volumes – Lists all connected logical volumes in detail.
create-raid0-volume – Creates a RAID 0 volume (min 2 targets).
create-raid1-volume – Creates a RAID 1 volume (exactly 2 targets).
create-raid1e-volume – Creates a RAID 1e volume (min 3 targets).
delete-volume – Deletes a RAID volume.
activate-volume – Re-activate a RAID volume.

To reset the OBP:
{0} ok reset-all

To Exit OBP to get back to the ILOM, type: